Toward Autonomy of Robotics and Mechatronics Systems!
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Welcome to Robotics, Navigation, and Control Systems Laboratory (RNCSL), led by Prof. Hashim Mohamed.
At RNCSL, we develop state-of-the-art solutions for robotic autonomy applications. We explore the fundamental research problem, study system dynamics, and develop advanced solutions applicable for: situational awareness, vision-aided and perception systems, control systems, filtering and estimation, perception and mapping, trajectory control, motion planning, Mechatronics systems. We aspire to discover new ways to improve the performance of dynamical systems, in particular smart systems which include semi-automated and fully autonomous systems, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs/drones), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), mobile robots, satellites, and other robotics applications. Our research include:
- Guidance, Perception & Navigation, and Control.
- Full autonomy and semi-autonomous systems
- Vision-aided inertial navigation systems for UAVs/drones and ground/mobile robots,
- Robot localization and mapping with inertial units,
- Filtering and estimation techniques: stochastic and deterministic,
- Sensor fusion,
- Relative localization and collaborative/distributed control of multi-agent systems,
- Artificial intelligence: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Transfer Learning,
- Artificial intelligence: Neural Adaptive Techniques and Reinforcement Learning,
- Artificial intelligence: Optimization techniques and metaheuristic algorithms (single and multi objective)
Visit Prof Hashim Mohamed research, professional, social, and media accounts (Let us connect 🙂!):
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