Carleton’s Equity Services is offering a Safer Spaces workshop, facilitated by Benny Michaud, for Fall 2017. Carleton University Safer Space Program (CUSSP) aims to reduce the impact of homophobia and transphobia on campus and to increase the visibility of supportive people and positive spaces for the LGBTQ community on campus. By creating a resource network and identifying LGBTQ positive people and spaces we can work proactively to better the lives of all members of the university.

All faculty members and professional services staff are encouraged to participate in the program. Participants have a respect for people of any sexual and gender orientations and want to see a community that has safe spaces for all people regardless of these identities. Anyone is welcome to participate regardless of sexual or gender orientation. Whether or not you identify as a member of the LGBTQ community, all participants share a desire to learn more about our community and work together to remove discrimination and oppression.

The workshop take place October 11th, 1:30pm-3:30pm in TB 506.

Register through Carleton Central‘s Learning and Development section, under the Employee Services tab.