Eeyou Istchee Fishing Derby Survey

The Carleton University FISHES team (Stephan Schott, Johann Strube) together with Stephanie Varty (Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board), Emily Sinave (Cree Nation Government) and Kia Marin (Concordia University) are designing a survey of participants of fishing derbies in Eeyou Istchee. The survey, which has been discussed at the February 2022 Eeyou Istchee Research Advisory Board, will inquire about motivations to attend derbies, views on derbies, preferences for diverse types of derbies, and their contribution to food security and fishing activities for Cree communities in Eeyou Istchee. The research team also plans to interview the derby organizers about the history, target audience, and goals of their derbies. For inquires regarding
the fishing derby survey, contact Johann Strube or Stephan Schott.

North American Indigenous Fishing Tourism Survey

Stephan Schott and Johann Strube of the Carleton University FISHES team are designing a North America wide survey with recreational anglers on their interest to visit Northern Indigenous communities for fishing tourism. This survey will gauge the economic potential for Northern Indigenous communities to participate in the fishing tourism industry. The research will also involve focus groups (group interviews) in Cree First Nations in Eeyou Istchee (and potentially other FISHES partner communities) about the risks and opportunities of fishing tourism as perceived by the communities. For inquires regarding the tourism survey, contact Johann Johann Strube or Stephan Schott.