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The SIGNALS Network and SPPA Society are thrilled to announce their 2024 SIGNALS X SPPA Society Networking Event, which will be held on Thursday, May 9, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. 

Location:  Bakers Restaurant, 4th floor-Nideyinan Building, Carleton University

With the help of alumni, hiring managers, and professionals from the public and private sectors, this event seeks to bring together students pursuing degrees in the School of Public Policy and Administration as well as those completing coursework for the Master of Applied Science in Sustainable Energy (MASc), Master of Engineering in Sustainable Energy (MEng), Master of Public Policy in Sustainable Energy and the Environment (MPP), Master of Public Policy and Administration (MPPA) and other programs.

What to expect?

  • Opportunity to get your professional headshot (Linkedin photo) taken!
  • Network! Network! Network!
  • Meet your classmates, alumni, hiring managers, and professionals
  • Snacks and refreshments will be available!

Dress code: Business Casual

Sign up for Networking Event
