DAY 1 (June 3)
Breakfast (8:00-9:00)
Morning session (9:00 – 10:30)
Social identity: The social cure and community-based health interventions
Moderator: Alex Haslam
Fabio Sani: On the links between group identification and health: Evidence from a Scottish community sample.
Thomas Morton & Catherine Haslam: Use of social media to enhance cognitive health, mental health and social participation among older people.
Nick Hopkins, Steven Reicher & Mark Levine. Developing an agenda for mass gathering medicine: How social identity promotes health in otherwise risky settings.
Meet and Chat Break (10:30 – 11:00)
Research snapshots session (11:00 – 12:00)
Lunch (12:00-1:00)
Afternoon session (1:00 – 2:30 pm)
Prosocial behaviours and mental health.
Moderator: Kim Matheson
Lara Ankin: Social psychology of giving and well-being
John Drury: A social identity model of collective resilience: Evidence from a natural disaster.
Robyn McQuaid, Opal McInnis & Hymie Anisman – Biological factors that moderate effects of psychosocial behaviours on depression
Health Break (2:30 – 2:45)
Panel Views – (2:45 – 4:00)
What is needed to convince health practitioners and policy makers to incorporate social determinants in front-line health interventions and practices?
Moderator: Hymie Anisman
Panel members:
Alex Haslam (University of Queensland, Brisbane)
John Helliwell (University of British Columbia, Vancouver)
Maura Ricketts (Public Health Consultant)
Simon Davidson (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario)
Wine & Cheese Reception (4:00 – 5:30)
DAY 2 (June 4)
Breakfast (8:00-9:00)
Morning session – (9:00 – 10:30)
Transforming a social curse into a social cure: The case of marginalized populations
Moderator: Katharine Greenaway
Jolanda Jetten: Homelessness: Does identification with a marginalized group promote or limit mental health?
Amy Bombay, Kim Matheson, Hymie Anisman: Overcoming and moving beyond the toxification of an identity: Addressing student-to-student abuse in Indian residential schools
Nyla Branscombe & Ruth Warner: Third-party observer responses to victimization: Benefit-finding and implications for mental health.
Meet and Chat Break (10:30 – 11:00)
Research snapshots session II (11:00 – 12:00)
Lunch (12:00-1:00)
Afternoon session (1:00 – 2:30 pm)
Building resilience among young people
Moderator: Catherine Haslam
Ian Manion: Psychosocial factors and mental health among youth
Sonia Lupien: Stress among youth: Don’t go NUTS!
Kate Reynolds: Impact of social connectedness on minimizing conflict and promoting mental health among youth.
Closing Discussion (2:30 – 3:00)
Maintaining momentum going forward
Closing comments by K. Matheson