Photo of Lara Aknin

Lara Aknin

Lara Aknin is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Simon Fraser University. Her primary research interests include prosocial behavior, generosity, money, and happiness. Her work has shown that money can buy happiness … if you spend it on other people rather than yourself. In this manner, our social connections contribute to our health in part because they provide us with an opportunity to do something for others. Dr. Aknin’s research has been published in various academic journals, including Science, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Social Psychological and Personality Science and Perspectives on Psychological Science, and has been covered in international media outlets such as the CBC, CNN, Maclean’s Magazine, Forbes, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Aknin is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Social Interaction, Identity, and Well-Being Program.