South-East Ottawa
Community Health Centre (SEOCHC)
A non-profit, community-governed organization that provides a range of multi-disciplinary services to clients, including primary care, health promotion, social services, community and resource development, home support and advocacy to address the social determinants of health.

Advisory Council Members

Louis Boisvert, Lisa Bornn, Elizabeth Bryce, Eunice Chao, Radiah Jouad, Therese Perras, Akoele Sakpo, Emma Sobel

South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre and HELP Ottawa

The South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre has been a strong supporter of HELP Ottawa since the site was first approached to be involved with the project. In January of 2020, the first SEO HELP Advisory Council (AC) meeting took place and was made up of staff, clients, volunteers, and community partners – each member bringing valuable and unique perspectives to the table. While COVID has meant that the way of working together has shifted, SEO’s AC has continued to meet virtually, on a monthly basis, to share ideas and discuss potential initiatives. Various initiatives have been introduced and others are in the works. These initiatives aim to: build resilience through self-care and guided meditation; increase community and provider awareness of community supports and services through the development and sharing of resource guides; and develop knowledge and normalize conversations on topics related to advanced illness, end of life, grief, loss, and caregiving through educational information sessions.


There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time.

For other upcoming events please visit the South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre website at

Coping with the Holidays and Special Days Resources List

Coping with the Holidays and Special Days Resources List 2022 – English *Updated!
Coping with the Holidays Resources List 2021 – French
Coping with the Holidays Resources List 2021 – Arabic

Healthy End of Life Resources List

Healthy End of Life Resources List 2022 – English


[1] “Forest” by Tom Burke is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0