Our Lab Director Kenta Asakura and Lab Affiliate Marion Bogo recently published a special issue in the Clinical Social Work Journal, Volume 49, issue 2. This special issue is the first of its kind to canvas contemporary scholarly works on simulation in advancing our professional commitment to clinical social work education and practice.

This week, we spotlight the article Examining Cross-Cultural Child Welfare Practice Through Simulation-Based Education, featuring Lab Affiliate Barbara Lee. In this piece, the authors examined the intersection of cross-cultural practice and child maltreatment investigations. Employing three simulated culturally-varied child welfare scenarios, this article found that participants demonstrated various aspects of cultural agility as they reflected on their practice. Ultimately, this article endorsed simulation-based learning as a novel opportunity for students to critically examine and reflect upon the ways in which they operationalize culture and child maltreatment, as well as reflect on how to manage the complexities of working across cultural difference.

Read more about the special issue of the Clinical Social Work Journal here.