To register online, please click here to complete and submit the online form.
You may also print the following form, complete a paper copy of it and send it to Nandini Sarma via interoffice mail (with the payment as necessary).
- Registration is now closed.
Spring Conference Registration Form
Conference Registration (full attendance)
- New faculty (hired in the last 2 years) ($50)New faculty who is making a conference presentation ($50)
- faculty/a librarian/a staff member making a presentation ($100)
- Faculty/a librarian/a staff member – shared room ($375)
- Faculty/a librarian/a staff member – single room ($415)
- Retired faculty ($0)
Conference Registration (one day attendance)
- New faculty (hired in the last 2 years) ($50)
- New faculty who is making a conference presentation ($50)
- A faculty/a librarian/a staff member making a presentation ($100)
- Faculty/a librarian/a staff member – shared room ($188)
- Faculty/a librarian/a staff member – single room ($215)
- CUASA Member
- A Carleton/non-Carleton partner/spouse: $375 (shared room with Carleton partner, including meals)
- A Carleton/non-Carleton partner/spouse who stays in resort and joins us for meals but doesn’t attend sessions:: $340 (shared room with Carleton partner, including meals)
- A Carleton/non-Carleton partner/spouse: $188 (shared room with Carleton partner, including meals) – 1 day only
- A retired CUASA member: $0 (full conference attendance)
- A retired CUASA member: $0 (one day conference attendance)
Make cheques payable to Carleton University and send your registration form and/or cheque (i.e., payment) to:
Nandini Sarma
1621 Dunton Tower
Phone: 613 520-2600, ext. 2193
The fee for Carleton employees may be claimed on your professional expense reimbursement.