One of the most common questions we get from faculty is: how do we keep the cost of textbooks low?

Well, we’re happy to say we now offer more options than ever before when it comes to textbooks, both in terms of different ways to acquire the book, and the different formats we can offer. For example, many textbooks now come in a variety of mediums (e.g. hardcover, soft cover, loose leaf, digital, etc.) in order to hit different price points. We’re happy to offer multiple formats of a book for students to match their preferences.

With regards to acquiring the book, we offer a number of different ways for students to buy (or rent!) their texts:

  • New Textbooks: Books in pristine condition that have never been used.
  • Used Textbooks: Books with a little wear and tear on them, and potentially highlighting and a few notes written in them. Generally a used textbook is around 25% cheaper than a new textbook. The earlier we get a textbook request, the better our chances of getting used copies – why is that? Because we can order used books from other schools and our warehouses, but the early bird gets the worm when it comes to getting used copies.
  • Textbook Rentals: Why buy when you can rent? Our rental program can save students up to 80% off the cost of a new book. Students can still write, highlight and add notes in a rented book. They get it for the full semester and can convert it to a purchase if they want to keep it.
  • Digital Textbooks: We also offer digital textbooks and course materials through our website.

With your help, we can find ways to keep costs low!

Price Matching

Did you know we price match on textbooks? Click here to learn more.

Textbook Rentals

Students can save up to 80% off the cost of a new textbook when they rent. Learn more here.


Want to learn more about how we can help keep costs low? Contact our Textbook Manager today to discuss your options.