Research Assistant (RA) Position

The Engendering Disability Inclusive Development (EDID) Partnership Project invites applications for a Research Assistant (RA) position at Carleton University in Canada. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2020-27), EDID brings together researchers, decision-makers and civil society organizations from Canada, Haiti, South Africa, Vietnam, the United Kingdom, the United States, Uganda, Australia, and Malta.

Objectives: EDID aims to implement rights and ensure justice for diverse girls and women with disabilities by:

  • uncovering, creating, and sharing knowledge about their struggles for and progress toward disability-inclusive development, including asking how women and girls with disabilities are included and represented in discussions of rights and justice; and
  • engendering or creating and putting into practice disability-inclusive development policies that are essential to removing barriers and cultivating the conditions for inclusion and participation.

We enthusiastically invite applications from Master’s students at a Vietnamese university to assist the Vietnam country team in all phases of the research process. As an RA, you will have the opportunity to work with an international team with an interdisciplinary focus. You will work directly with the country lead researcher, Professor Xuan Thuy Nguyen, and with other Research Assistants on EDID and related projects. You will be provided with essential training to successfully conduct your research and coordinating tasks. There may also be opportunities to engage in research, data analysis, and planning with team members from other projects to promote networking and partnership development.

Responsibilities: The RA will be responsible for assisting Dr. Nguyen and our Vietnam local partner, Hanoi Association of People with Disabilities (DP Hanoi), in all phases of the research process. Reporting directly to Dr. Nguyen, major responsibilities include: coordination with the project’s Vietnamese partners; conducting literature reviews, fieldwork, data collection, analysis, and management; and contributing to manuscripts for publications, where applicable.

Specific responsibilities of the research assistant will be:

  1. Assisting the lead researcher of the Vietnam country team and our partner, DP Hanoi, in co-organizing research fieldwork.
  2. Assisting the lead researcher in conducting data collection, data analysis, and data management.
  3. Collaborating with other Research Assistants on EDID and related research projects to facilitate mutual learning and networking.
  4. Assisting the team in administrative, financial, and academic tasks, such as reporting, where required.
  5. Assisting the team in preparing manuscripts for publications, where applicable.
  6. Networking and coordinating activities with EDID’s global and local partners.


  1. Knowledge on the socio-cultural and historical dimensions of disability, gender, law and/or social policy in Vietnam.
  2. Good qualitative research skills. Experience using Nvivo software would be an asset.
  3. Interest in and/or experience organizing research activities in coordination with an international team.
  4. Ability to communicate well in written and spoken English; excellent organizational and problem-solving skills.
  5. Ability to work independently to fulfill assigned tasks on time.
  6. Experience working with women and girls with disabilities from a critical approach to disability rights is an asset.


The total number of hours is approximately 10 hours/week, within 40 weeks (or 10 months), starting on August 1st, 2021 and ends on August 31st, 2023, with a possibility of renewal. Probationary period is applied for the first two months. Salary will be paid in accordance with your experience and degree. Students who identify as disabled, women, LGBTQ+ community, and ethnic minority students are strongly encouraged to apply.

This job will be primarily online. However, you will be expected to work on site with the research team during our fieldwork. You may also be required to meet with the project’s partners for networking and planning purposes. The successful candidate can arrange his/her time appropriately.

Applications will be accepted until August 15, 2021.

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and their résumé in English to Dr. Xuan Thuy Nguyen, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Carleton University, at An interview will be scheduled if the applicant is short-listed. Please state “APPLICATION – EDID VIETNAM_RA POSITION” in the subject line of the email.

A detailed job description can also be found:

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