To appear. Pronoun incorporation. In: Mary Dalrymple (ed.), Handbook of Lexical Functional Grammar.. Berlin: Language Science Press.

2019. Humans, animals, things and animacy features. With Shiva Bayanati. Open Linguistics 5(1): 156–170.

Forthcoming. The syntax of Inari Saami: a focus on case and agreement. With Petter Morottaja. Under review for Tamm and Vainikka (eds.) Uralic Syntax.

2018. Romanian object clitics: Grammaticalization, agreement and lexical splits. With Roxana-Maria Barbu. In: Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds.), Proceedings of the LFG18 Conference, 67–87. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

2018. Gradience, features and hierarchies. Theoretical Linguistics 44(1–2): 93–98.

2015. Humans, animals, things and animacy features. With Shiva Bayanati. Talk presented at Workshop on Animacy in Language and Cognition. Leeds.

2007. Saami Linguistics. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 288. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. With Diane Nelson.
Book website

2007. Verbal agreement in Inari Saami. In: Ida Toivonen and Diane Nelson, eds., Saami Linguistics, CILT 288, 227-258. John Benjamins.

2007. Microvariation in Inari Saami. In: Jussi Ylikoski and Ante Aikio, eds., Sámit, sánit, sátnehámit. Riepmočála Pekka Sammallahti miessemánu 21. beaivve 2007. Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne 253. Helsinki. 363-374. pdf

2003. Counting and the grammar: Numerals in Inari Sami. In Satu Manninen and Diane Nelson, eds., Generative Approaches to Finnic and Saami Linguistics. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 321–341. With Diane Nelson.

2001. Language Change, Lexical Features and Finnish Possessors. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds., Time over Matter: Diachronic Perspectives on Morphosyntax. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 209–225.

2000. The Morphosyntax of Finnish Possession.
[Long, old version; a newer version appeared in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 18(3)]

1995. A study of Finnish infinitives.
[Undergraduate Honor’s Thesis, Brandeis University] pdf