My work on syntax has mostly been within the formal framework of Lexical-Functional Grammar. Some of my work has focussed explicitly on theory-comparison, but for the most part I basically try to solve puzzles and understand how those puzzles fit into grammar more generally. Some of the papers listed here are probably better described as morphosyntax or syntax-semantics papers. Much of my work is collaborative.

2024. The obligatoriness of arguments. With Katie Van Luven. Language and Linguistics Compass, e12511.

2023. Pronoun incorporation. In: Mary Dalrymple (ed.), Handbook of Lexical Functional Grammar.. Berlin: Language Science Press.

2023. Word classes in Lexical Functional Grammar. With Mary Dalrymple. In: Eva van Lier (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Word Classes. Oxford University Press.

2022. Review of Aa Norwegian particles. Nordic Journal of Linguistics. 

2021. Arguments and adjuncts across levels. In: Miriam Butt, Jamie Findlay, and Ida Toivonen (eds.), Proceedings of the LFG21 Conference, 306–331. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

2021. Perception verbs, copy raising and evidentiality in Swedish and English. In: I Wayan Arka, Ash Asudeh and Tracy Holloway King (eds.). Modular Design of Grammar. Oxford university Press.

2020. Verbal particles, results, and directed motion. In: Richard Page and Michael Travis Putnam. Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 22, 516–536. Pre-final version available here.

2019. Humans, animals, things and animacy features. With Shiva Bayanati. Open Linguistics 5(1): 156-170.

2019. Distributive possessors in Swedish and Norwegian: binding, agreement, and quantification. With Helge Lødrup and Raj Singh. In: Miriam Butt, Tracy Holloway King and Ida Toivonen (eds.), {\it Proceedings of the LFG19 Conference}, 170–190. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

2018. Romanian object clitics: Grammaticalization, agreement and lexical splits. With Roxana-Maria Barbu. In: Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King (eds.), Proceedings of the LFG18 Conference, 67–87. Stanford: CSLI Publications.

2018. Wh-word conjunction as a test for argumenthood and obligatoriness. With Paul Melchin. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 3.

2018. Gradience, features and hierarchies. Theoretical Linguistics 44(1–2): 93–98.

2017. A modular approach to evidentiality. With Ash Asudeh. Proceedings of the LFG17 Conference.

Petter Morottaja, Raj Singh, and Ida Toivonen. 2017. Comitative coordination in Inari Saami. 3rd Saami Linguistics Symposium. Freiburg. (Handout)

2016. Arguments and adjuncts at the syntax-semantics interface. With Roxana-Maria Barbu. Proceedings
of Florida Yearly Linguistic Meeting 3 (FLYM 3)

2016. Event participants and linguistic arguments. With Roxana-Maria Barbu. Proceedings
of CogSci 2016

2016. Lexical-Functional Syntax, 2nd edition . With Joan Bresnan, Ash Asudeh and Stephen Wechsler. Wiley.

2016. Distance distributivity and the semantics of indefinite noun phrases. With Raj Singh. Carleton Linguistics Group talk.

2015. East Cree Ghost participants. With Marie-Odile Junker. Proceedings
of the LFG15 Conference

2015. On the morphosyntactic representation of dependent quantification: distance
distributivity, dependent indefinites, and Skolemization. With Dejan Milacic and Raj Singh. Proceedings
of Sinn und Bedeutung 19


2014. Meaning and valency. With Ash Asudeh and Gianluca Giorgolo.
Proceedings of the LFG14 Conference, 68–88.

2014. With Lexical Integrity. With Ash Asudeh. Theoretical Linguistics. 40(12): 175–186.

2013. English benefactive NPs
Proceedings of the LFG13 Conference, 503–523.

2013. Constructions with Lexical Integrity. With Ash Asudeh and Mary Dalrymple. Journal of Language Modelling. 1(1): 1–54.
pdf, link

2012. Copy raising and perception. With Ash Asudeh.
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 30(2): 321–380.
link; pre-published version: pdf

2011. Derived arguments. With Stephanie Needham.
Proceedings of the LFG11 Conference, 401–421.

2009. Lexical-Functional Grammar. In Bernd Heine and Heiko Narrog, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 425-458. With Ash Asudeh.
[Prepublication draft] pdf

2008. Review of William D. Davies and Stanley Dubinsky’s The Grammar of Raising and Control: A Course in Syntactic Argumentation. Language 84(4): 880-882.

2008. Constructions with Lexical Integrity: Templates as the lexicon-syntax interface. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds., Proceedings of the LFG08 Conference. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 68-88. With Ash Asudeh and Mary Dalrymple.

2007. Saami Linguistics. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 288. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. With Diane Nelson.
Book website

2007. Verbal agreement in Inari Saami. In: Ida Toivonen and Diane Nelson, eds., Saami Linguistics, CILT 288, 227-258. John Benjamins.

2007. Copy raising and its consequences for perceptual reports. In Annie Zaenen, Jane Simpson, Tracy Holloway King, Jane Grimshaw, Joan Maling and Chris Manning, eds., Architectures, Rules, and Preferences: Variations on Themes by Joan W. Bresnan. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 49–67. With Ash Asudeh.
[Prepublication draft] pdf

2006. On continuative on. Studia Linguistica 60(2): 181-219.
[Pre-published version] pdf

2006. Expletives and the syntax and semantics of copy raising. In Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King, eds., Proceedings of the LFG06 Conference. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 13-29. With Ash Asudeh.
[Prepublication draft] pdf

2006. Symptomatic Imperfections. [Review article of David Adger (2003) Core Syntax and Andrew Radford (2004) Minimalist Syntax]   Journal of Linguistics 42(2): 395-422. With Ash Asudeh.

2003. Non-Projecting Words: A Case Study of Swedish Verbal Particles. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
book website

2003. Counting and the grammar: Numerals in Inari Sami. In: Satu
Manninen and Diane Nelson, eds., Generative Approaches to Finnic and Saami Linguistics. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. 321–341. With Diane Nelson.

2002. Particles and Results in Swedish and English. 2002. WCCFL 21.

2002. Swedish particles and syntactic projection. In: Nicole Dehé, Silke Urban, Andrew
McIntyre and Ray Jackendoff, eds., Verb-Particle Explorations. Berlin, Germany:
Mouton de Gruyter. 191–209.

2001. The Directed Motion Construction in Swedish.
[Old version. A newer  version  appeared  in Journal of Linguistics 38(2),]

2001. The Phrase-Structure of Non-Projecting Words.
[Stanford Ph.D. dissertation] pdf

2000. The Morphosyntax of Finnish Possession.
[Long, old version; a newer version appeared in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 18(3)]

1998. Swedish place expressions. NELS 29.

1997. The acquisition of Swedish body-posture words.
[Unpublished manuscript] pdf

1995. A study of Finnish infinitives.
[Senior Thesis, Brandeis University] pdf