Status: Ratified 9 November 2017
Croatia has a unicameral system. The Sabor (Parliament) gave approval for ratification in June 2017. Croatia formally notified the EU of ratification in November 2017. A coalition government led by the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) under Prime Minister Andrej Plenković ratified CETA with the support of the Croatian Social Liberal Party, the Croatian Democratic Christian Party and the Croatian Democratic Alliance of Slavonia and Baranja.
Public debate
The CETA ratification process in Croatia was characterized by limited contestation, with broad political support and support from industry associations. Contestation derived largely from the political left and green parties, as well as some CSOs. Proponents of CETA argued that the mixed trade agreement was an “advanced” trade agreement with environmental and sustainable development provisions and recognition of geographical indicators. Croatian businesses also indicated an interest in the Canadian federal and provincial procurement market. Opponents of CETA in Croatia argued against the investor-state dispute settlement provisions, described as a parallel justice system and a catalyst for regulatory chill. Opponents also voiced concerns over GMOs and food safety. Proponent CSOs included the Canadian-Croatian Business Network, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber of Trades and Crafts. Opponent CSOs included the Croatian Independent Trade Unions and Green Action.
Trade data
Croatia had a trade surplus in goods trade with Canada of €40 million in 2021 (Eurostat). Moreover, imports from Canada were €16 million, which is 0.2% of Croatia’s imports from outside the EU. Exports to Canada were €56 million, 0.9% of Croatia’s extra-EU exports (Eurostat). Canada-Croatia bilateral goods trade (imports + exports) grew by 18 million, or 36%, between 2016-2019 (Statistics Canada).
Corporate Europe Observatory. (November 2016). European and Canadian civil society groups call for rejection of CETA. Link
Eschbach, A. (The Ratification Process in EU Member States – A presentation with particular consideration of the TTIP and CETA free trade agreements (Eschbach, Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law). Link
Government of the Republic of Croatia. (January 2019) “Economic co-operation further strengthens the friendly relations and alliances of Croatia and Canada”. Link.
Hina, Croatian Parliament. (February 2017). “Parliamentary Committees address CETA”. Sabor. Link.
Hina, Croatian Parliament. (January 2019). “Jandroković: It is in the EU’s interest for all member states to ratify CETA”. Sabor. Link.
Pavlic, V. (September 2017). “What Will EU-Canada Free Trade Agreement Bring to Croatia?”. Total Croatia News. Link.
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