Alexandre Baril
Assistant Professor of Social Work (uOttawa)
Degrees: | BA & MA (Université de Sherbrooke), Ph.D. (University of Ottawa) |
Phone: | 613-562-5800, ext. 6386 |
Email: | abaril@uOttawa.ca |
Office: | uOttawa, Social Science Building (FSS) 12025 |
Website: | Browse |
Alexandre Baril is an Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Ottawa, specializing in diversity, including sexual, gender, (dis)ability, and linguistic diversity.
Alexandre Baril’s interdisciplinary training combines ten years in philosophy/ethics, a Ph.D. in Women’s Studies and two postdoctoral fellowships in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Wesleyan University (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council/SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship), and in Political Science at Dalhousie University (Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship).
He has published articles in journals such as Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy; Feminist Review; TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly; Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice; Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies; Annual Review of Critical Psychology; Medicine Anthropology Theory; Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies; Canadian Journal of Disability Studies; Disability & Society; Somatechnics; Genre, sexualité & société; Recherches féministes; Enfances, familles, générations: Revue internationale; Revue Jeunes et Société; Criminologie; Philosophiques and Recherches sociologiques & anthropologiques.
His intersectional research places gender, feminist, queer, trans, and disability/crip studies in dialogue with the sociology of the body, health and social movements. His recent research examines discourses on suicide and assisted suicide within anti-oppressive movements/studies.
Current research projects
Trans and Disabled Realities: Typology of Discourses on the Intersections between Transness and Disability’ (SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2019-2021)
Forgotten Lives: The Experiences of Trans Older Adults with Dementia (SSHRC Insight Grant 2019-2022, co-investigator)
“All Addicts?” Contribution to a sociology of behavioral addictions to the internet, work, sex, and sport (SSHRC Insight Grant 2018-2021, co-investigator)
Transness and Disability: Complex intersections (Faculty of Social Sciences, Seed Funding Opportunity, 2018-2020)
Body and Gender Identity Diversity: Theorizing intersections between trans and disabled realities (Faculty of Social Sciences start-up funding, 2018-2020)
Digging Beneath the Surface: An Intersectional Investigation of The Diversity of Trans Youth Experience (SSHRC 2016-2019, co-investigator)