Student Bio

Megan completed her BSc. At Concordia University with a specialty in ecology and went on to pursue a Master’s in behavioural ecology at Windsor University. She came back to Montreal wanting to pursue a degree that would allow me to merge her love of horticulture with engineering; which would facilitate her to work in a field where she could actively make a contribution to human-nature co-existence.

As of September 2019, Megan has been pursuing a Master’s in environmental engineering at École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) and, under the co-supervision of Dr. David St-Onge and Dr. Robert Hausler, she is exploring the use of natural plant visual signals for the use in machine vision and robotic pollination using drones.

Megan hope to use the UTILI CREATE program to make industrial contacts and explore the field of RPAS use in agriculture.