Student Bio

Paul Meyran is a master’s student in aerospace engineering at École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) in Montreal under the supervision of Professor Ruxandra Botez. Coming from an industrial engineering background at INSA Centre Val de Loire, in France, he is currently completing a double degree at ÉTS which began in September 2019. He is pursuing a master in aerospace engineering and works at the LARCASE laboratory in Montreal. Based on aerodynamic studies, his research subject is to design a morphing winglet structure aimed at reducing fuel consumption in flight and increasing the manoeuvrability of aircraft. His vision of creating the future aerospace structures is close to his heart. Innovation is at the center of his passion for aerospace and he looks forward to furthering his career in this field. Paul is very involved in the aerospace student community, which allowed him to meet and discuss with many Canadian and international companies, particularly in connection with innovation, defense and space. Thanks to the UTILI CREATE program, Paul hopes to connect with companies related to the defense sector in Canada, it is an environment that he has always wanted to explore because innovation is essential.

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