Student Bio

Shaghayegh Ghandali Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick with a Minor in Mechatronics and Mathematics. During her undergrad, she worked toward a Technology Management & Entrepreneurship Diploma to enhance her engineering skills, leadership skills, problem-solving skills, project management skills and, most importantly, improve her skills on how to conduct academic engineering research in industrial technology fields and how to collaborate with a different mindset of engineers on research projects. Shaghayegh was more than keen to pursue her Mechatronics minor as she wanted to apply engineering fundamentals such as kinematics and dynamics to make automation and robotics systems. Shaghayegh has always had an interest in building machines and other robotics systems since she was in high school, so her mechatronics projects helped her explore her creativity and further improve her knowledge of electrical circuit diagrams and coding languages while being able to apply this knowledge toward the design of kinematic & dynamic systems, as well as automation & robotics systems.

During her undergraduate, she worked as a research assistant in an alloy design and material testing research laboratory, where she contributed her mechatronic knowledge toward studying manufacturing motors and circuit wiring for hot torsion machines as well as creating documentation of strain-stress data from Tensile test machines using MATLAB simulation application. During her co-op job as a research assistant, she realized how much she would love to pursue her Master’s degree and work on a real-life work project that would also be helpful to people, may it be now or in the future.

Currently, she is working on the Rideau Canal Skateway project as a master’s student under the supervision of Dr. Jeremy Laliberté and Dr. Shawn Kenny at Carleton University, and she is interested in exploring the UTILI program simultaneously with her Master’s program.