Student Bio

Yvan Wilfried Tondji Chendjou, is a first year doctoral student in engineering at École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) in Montreal. He is studying at the Research Laboratory in Active Controls, Avionics and Aeroservoelasticity (LARCASE) and under the supervision of Professor Ruxandra Botez. His PhD research subject focuses on novel modeling methods for UAS-S4 flight Dynamics, including morphing wing technologies.

After graduating from high school in Cameroon in 2010, he decided to study aeronautical engineering. His engineering studies included two years of preparatory school in Cameroon followed by three years of specialization at École d’ingénieur en France (ÉPF). During his third year of study in France, he had the opportunity to carry out a six-month engineering student internship at LARCASE, under the supervision of Professor Ruxandra Botez, from June to December 2013. His internship focused on numerical and experimental determination of the inertial properties of UAS-S4 from Hydra Technologies.

In September 2014, he started a master’s research in aerospace at LARCASE, as part of the CRIAQ MDO 505 project in collaboration with Bombardier, Thales, École polytechnique de Montréal and the National Research Council of Canada, on deformable wing technologies. This multidisciplinary project enabled him to acquire technical skills in various fields such as aerodynamics, flight mechanics, flight simulation, and programming. He has published some results of his research as conference papers.

After obtaining his master’s degree in 2016, he worked as a programmer analyst at GIRO in Montreal for two years. He co-founded the “Solutions Locales” seminar which aims to propose issues related to health, agriculture and education. The first edition took place in Cameroon in August 2018. Although he learned a lot from his work experience with this dynamic GIRO team, his passion for research and teaching motivated him to enroll in PhD in April 2019. Professor Ruxandra Botez is willing to supervise him for this new adventure.

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