Consulting Reports

  • HRSDC, Government of Canada
    • External Advisory Committee: Re-procurement of the Canada Student Loans Program third-party service provider contract, 2013-2014
  • Canadian Association of Business Incubation
    • Conducted a study on ‘Definitions and Classifications of Business Incubators’, 2006
  • Federal Partners in Technology Transfer
    • Conducted a study on ‘Incubating Technology’
  • CSTIER, Carleton University
    • Conducted a study on ‘Success Factors in Small Businesses in Small Towns of Eastern Ontario’
  • Department of Industry Canada
    • Developed and delivered a course on ‘Management of Technology’ for senior- and middle-level managers.
    • Conducted a research project: Transfer of advanced manufacturing technology from universities to industry; an empirical study
    • Conducted a research project: An investigation of the speed and cost of innovation in Canadian manufacturing industry
    • Conducted a research project: Analysis of the speed and costs of innovation in Canadian manufacturing industry
  • Department of Investment Canada
    • Conducted a study on the role of R&D consortia for technology development
  • CIDA/ Conference Board of Canada
    • Participated with Indian Institute of Management in a study: Synergy in government policy and international competitiveness under Canada-India Institutional linkage programme
  • CIDA
    • Participated in Business Process Reengineering exercise at information systems/ information technology branch of CIDA
  • Department of Defence Canada
    • Conducted a study on ‘Issues in Munitions Control’
    • Conducted a feasibility study of a decision support system for munitions control
    • Development of EOQ Upgrade system for munitions control
    • Investigation of strategies to reduce innovation time
  • Canada Post Corporation
    • Developed a one-day course on IE/Systems related new initiatives
    • Conducted a study on ‘The impact of IE/Systems related new initiatives on training programs’
  • Public Service Commission
    • Participated in the development of a course on ‘Informatics for Managers’.
  • Children Hospital, Ottawa
    • Assisted in a Work Sampling study to validate a Patient Classification Systems.
    • Productivity Improvement Program in Emergency Department
  • Shur-Lift Industry, Canada through MRC/ITC and NRC
    • Conducted two productivity and automation studies.