The RMC Symbolic task measures adults’ ability to compare the magnitude of two symbolic numbers (e.g., 1 vs. 3). In the task, there are two pages, Form A and Form B, each containing thirty number pairs using the Arabic digit numbers from 1 to 9. Participants are required to cross out the number that is greater within each pair. Participants are also instructed to complete the task as quickly and accurately as possible. Form A and Form B are to be measured separately for both accuracy (number of items correct) and reaction time (measured in seconds) to ensure reliability.

The RMC Non-Symbolic task measures adults’ ability to compare the magnitude of two non-symbolic representations of number (e.g., 5 dots vs. 7 dots). In the task, there are two pages, Form A and Form B, each containing thirty pairs of non-symbolic representations of number (i.e., dots) from 1 to 9. Participants are required to cross out the quantity that is greater within each pair. Participants are also instructed to complete the task as quickly and accurately as possible. Form A and Form B are to be measured separately for both accuracy (number of items correct) and reaction time (measured in seconds) to ensure reliability.