13.1 What do I need to know before I write my exams?

Carleton University is committed to ensuring fairness and consistency in the completion of examinations. As part of this commitment, students are required to follow proper exam procedures, as outlined in the undergraduate calendar.

You are at risk of being charged with an instructional offense if you break one of the formal examination rules, accidentally or on purpose. In addition to being available in the calendar, official exam rules are distributed to each seat in every examination room.

See Examination Regulations (Academic Regulation 4.1) in the undergraduate calendar for more information. Also, visit the Examinations website for more information about writing exams.

TIP: Exam rules are distributed to students at the exam sites – but make a point of reading the complete rules of conduct in the undergraduate calendar before your exams.

13.2 What happens if I miss an exam because of circumstances beyond my control?

If you miss the exam:

If you are not able to attend a final examination because of illness or other circumstances beyond your control, you may apply for a deferral at the Registrar’s Office. However, keep in mind that there are strict regulations, procedures and deadlines. Check the undergraduate calendar for details.

If you attend a final examination, and leave early:

Once the final examination begins, students in the examination room are not normally eligible to write a deferred examination.

A student who experiences a significant deterioration in their health or receives word of an emergency during a final examination and who cannot complete the examination must hand in their answer books immediately to the proctor. Students may submit an application to write a deferred examination together with documents clearly supporting the exceptional circumstances surrounding the early departure from the examination. This must be done no later than three (3.0) working days after the examination. In the case that the application is not granted, the submitted answer books will be graded and used in the determination of the student’s final grade.

If you miss term work or midterm exams:

If you are concerned about completing term work, including assignments, tests/quizzes or midterm exams because of illness or other circumstances beyond your control, you should consult with your course instructor directly, or contact the Registrar’s Office to discuss your options. Once again, there are strict regulations and procedures regarding deadlines that apply.

See Deferred Final Examinations (Academic Regulation 4.3.1) and Deferred Term Work (Academic Regulation 4.4) in the undergraduate calendar for more information.

TIP: If you miss a final exam due to illness, make sure that you are aware of the different deadlines for seeing a doctor AND for applying for a deferral.

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