10.1 What happens if I took courses at another post-secondary institution?

If you have successfully completed courses at another university prior to admission to Carleton, you may have had some courses transferred to your Carleton degree program. Similarly, you may have completed a certain number of credits with a required average at an Ontario College or a Quebec CEGEP, some of which have transferred to Carleton.

The courses transferred will be included in your audit with Carleton equivalent course numbers and a TR notation in place of a grade. Although those credits in TR courses may have been transferred to your Carleton degree, the grades earned at the other institution(s) are not transferred to Carleton.

If the course number of a transferred course includes Xs – for example, ENGL 1XXX 0.5 TR – it means that there is no exact matching equivalent course at Carleton. Our example simply indicates that you have been given a half-credit in English Language and Literature at the 1000-level. It is safe to take another ENGL course at the 1000-level in this case, if your program allows it.

If the course number does not contain Xs – for example, ENGL 1000 1.0 TR – you should not take the same course at Carleton because repeating it will result in forfeiture of the earlier TR credit.

If you have any questions related to your transferred credits, you should speak with someone in Admissions Services.

See Transfer of Credit Prior to Admission (Academic Regulation 2.2.4) in the undergraduate calendar for more information.

10.2 Can I take courses at the University of Ottawa? If so, how will that impact my CGPA?

While you are enrolled in an undergraduate degree program at Carleton, and are in good standing, you may be able take courses at the University of Ottawa to fulfill some of the courses required for your degree. If you do take courses at the University of Ottawa under the terms of the exchange agreement (see the undergraduate calendar), the grades in those courses will transfer and will be included in your CGPA calculation.

Check the terms and conditions of the exchange agreement in the undergraduate calendar to see if you’re eligible. You should also contact the Registrar’s Office to apply.

See Transfer of Credit Subsequent to Admission (Academic Regulation 2.2.5) in the undergraduate calendar for more information.

TIP: You are responsible for respecting University of Ottawa dates and deadlines for registration and withdrawal. To withdraw from University of Ottawa courses, please visit the appropriate University of Ottawa faculty office.

10.3 What if I want to study abroad?

Studying abroad can be an enriching, often life-transforming, experience where learning extends beyond the classroom walls, and Carleton University has exchange agreements with universities all over the world. If you are interested in participating in an international exchange, you should speak with the International Student Services Office to find out if you are eligible. You must consult the Registrar’s Office and International Student Services Office at least one year in advance. You will also need to consult with your departmental advisor to make sure that the courses you take while abroad will count towards your major and degree requirements.

Grades for successfully completed courses taken on Letters of Permission and Exchange (not including the University of Ottawa Exchange) will not be transferred; however, a course that is taken on exchange and failed is counted as a discredit and is recorded with the grade F.

See International Exchange Agreements (Academic Regulation 2.2.5) in the undergraduate calendar for more information.

TIP: If you plan on studying abroad, you must consult with the Registrar’s Office and the International Student Services Office at least one year in advance of your proposed exchange. Most students study abroad in their third year, but apply in their second year.

10.4 Can I take courses at any other universities?

If you are meeting the minimum CGPAs required for graduation in your program, you may be permitted to take courses at another university on a Letter of Permission in order to satisfy any remaining requirements. The undergraduate calendar outlines eligibility requirements.

Letters of Permission for undergraduate students are managed by the Registrar’s Office. Arranging a Letter of Permission can take some time, so make sure that you are aware of the deadlines. Letters of Permission must be obtained before taking the course(s). For more information, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Grades for successfully completed courses taken on Letters of Permission and Exchange (not including the University of Ottawa Exchange) will not be transferred; however, a course that is taken on Letter of Permission and failed is counted as a discredit and is recorded with the grade UNS (Unsatisfactory).

See Letter of Permission (Academic Regulation 2.2.5) in the undergraduate calendar for more information.

TIP: Once you have completed a course on a Letter of Permission, you are responsible for arranging to have official transcripts from the host university sent to the Carleton University Registrar’s Office in order to have the course reflected on your student record. Certain deadlines apply.

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