1. Project Summary
  2. Funding
  3. Project Team
    1. Co-Applicants
    2. Collaborators
    3. Ethics
  4. Contact

Project Summary

The AI for Assessment of Functional Limitations in Disability Services for Postsecondary Education Project will research the viability and effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) in assessing disability-related needs.

We will endeavour to develop a prototype system trained by disability experts (including those with lived experience and/or professionals in the field) to a) collect information about self-reported strengths and limitations in functioning; and b) produce recommendations for disability-related supports.

The overall research question is: Can AI successfully assess profiles of strengths and limitations in functioning to recommend meaningful supports in the context of disability services at post-secondary?

Significant ethical considerations must be carefully considered and navigated as part of this project to ensure that it does not trivialize or overgeneralize the complexities of disability-related needs. The proposed model will be co-designed and validated by students with disabilities and relevant experts will help bridge this critical gap in expertise.

This project is made possible with a high degree of interdisciplinary collaboration from various fields and input from persons with disabilities, both among students, expert service providers, and the research team members.


This project is supported by the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF).

Project Team

Vukovic, Boris, Ph.D (PI)
Director, Accessibility Institute, and Adjunct research professor, Industrial Design, Carleton University

Komeili, Majid, Ph.D (Co-PI)
Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science, Carleton University

Akkasi, Abbas (Post Doctoral Fellow)

Kevadiya, Rakshil (Research Assistant)

Gunnell, Jessie (Research Coordinator)
Research Projects Officer, Accessibility Institute, Carleton University

Feltmate, Erin (Project Administrator)
Administrator, Accessibility Institute, Carleton University


Aubrecht, Katie Ph.D (Co-ap)
Associate Professor, Sociology, St. Francis Xavier University

Chan, Adrian Ph.D (Co-ap)
Professor, Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University

Nowrouzi-Kia, Behdin Ph.D OT Reg. (Ont.) (Co-ap)
Assistant Professor,  Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto

Treviranus, Jutta Ph.D (Co-ap)
Professor, Faculty of Design, OCAD University


Connolly, Tara (Collaborator)
Assistant Director, Research & Development, Accessibility Institute, Carleton University

Fraser, Kathleen Ph.D (Collaborator)
Digital Technologies Research Centre, National Research Council Canada

O’Riordan, Darlene (Collaborator)
Learning Strategist/Disabilities Counsellor, Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology

Tanguay, Sonia M.Ed, RP (Collaborator)
Senior Disability Coordinator, Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities, Carleton University


This project was reviewed and cleared by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board B, protocol #119314.


Please direct any inquiries to Project PI, Boris Vukovic, and Co-PI, Majid Komeili.