Sjolander Steen
Chancellor's Professor, Pratt & Whitney Canada Research Fellow - Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Building: | Mackenzie, Room ME 2196 |
Department: | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering |
Degrees: | B.Eng., M.Eng., Carleton, Ph.D., Cambridge |
Research Interests
- Aerodynamics;
- Turbomachinery;
- Wind-Tunnel Engineering.
Turbomachinery aerodynamics; axial-flow compressors and turbines; experimental techniques for low-speed and transonic aerodynamics of turbomachinery; transition from laminar to turbulent flow; flow control for turbomachinery; computational fluid dynamics; gas turbine engines; low emissions; greenhouse gas reduction.
Associate Technical Editor, Journal of Turbomachinery (ASME)
Journal Articles
S. Graveline and S.A. Sjolander, “A Spectral Study of a Moderately Loaded LPT Airfoil: Part 1 – Identifying Frequencies Affecting By-Pass Transition,” ASME Paper GT2012-68100, ASME Turbo-Expo, June 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. Accepted for publication, ASME Transactions, J. Turbomachinery.
H.M. Abo El Ella, S.A. Sjolander and T.J. Praisner, “Effects of an Upstream Step on the Secondary Flow in a Transonic Turbine Cascade,” ASME Transactions, J. Turbomachinery, Vol. 134 No. 5, Sept. 2012, 051009.
G.D. MacIsaac, S.A. Sjolander and T.J. Praisner, “Measurements of Losses and Reynolds Stresses in the Secondary Flow Downstream of a Low-Speed Linear Turbine Cascade,” ASME Paper GT2010-22727, ASME Turbo-Expo, June 2010, Glasgow, UK. Accepted for publication, ASME Transactions Journal of Turbomachinery
Conference Publications
S. Graveline and S.A. Sjolander, “A Spectral Study of a Moderately Loaded LPT Airfoil: Part 2 – Effects of Turbulence Intensity and Reynolds Number on Frequencies Affecting By-Pass Transition,” ASME Paper GT2012-681071, ASME Turbo-Expo, June 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.
G.D. MacIsaac and S.A. Sjolander, “Anisotropic Eddy Viscosity in the Secondary Flow of a Low-Speed Linear Turbine Cascade,” ASME Paper GT2011-45578, ASME Turbo-Expo, June 2011, Vancouver, Canada.
H. Saari, S. Sjolander, and K. Zanganeh, “Supercritical CO2 Advanced Brayton Cycle Design”, Proceedings, Supercritical CO2 Power Cycle Symposium, Boulder, CO, May 2011.