The Academic Advancement Grant for Afghan scholars in Canada is supported by Placement, Preservation and Perseverance: Afghan At-Risk Scholars, Activists and Students (PPP) project. PPP is a collaborative initiative funded by the government of Canada’s International Development Research Center (IDRC), and implemented by Carleton University and the University of British Columbia. PPP works with partner universities across Canada to support displaced and at-risk scholars and activists from Afghanistan, including through academic placement and small grants.

This call for application invites Afghan scholars in Canada to apply for a writing and publication workshop aimed at supporting scholars from Afghanistan to publish their scholarly work in academic journals. The Academic Advancement Grant, which is open to scholars of any discipline is intended to support scholars who are in advanced stage of preparing their research for publication and are looking for publication workshops or mentorship support to get their work published. In addition to research support, the grant is planned to cover costs associated with participation in one in-person mentorship and writing workshop at the University of British Columbia in the Spring of 2024, and virtual academic workshops at Carleton University.

For more information about this academic advancement grant, read this attached call for applications.