Photo of Dr. Melanie Adrian

Dr. Melanie Adrian

Principle Investigator (PI) and Knowledge Preservation Lead (PPP) Associate Professor, Department of Legal Studies (CU)

Dr. Melanie Adrian, an Associate Professor within the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University, is a distinguished figure at the forefront of legal scholarship and advocacy. At the helm of the groundbreaking initiative “Placement, Preservation and Perseverance: Afghan At-Risk Scholars, Activists and Students,” Dr. Adrian’s role as Principal Investigator showcases her dedication to empowering those navigating challenging educational and professional landscapes.

Dr. Adrian’s research trajectory is marked by an exploration of themes including religious minorities, migration, and the law. Her authored work “Religious Freedom at Risk: The EU, French schools, and Why the Veil was Banned” (2016) stands as a testament to her incisive analysis of complex societal issues. Additionally, her co-editorship of “Producing Islams in Canada: On Knowledge, Positionality, and Politics” (2021) underscores her commitment to fostering a diverse and dynamic discourse.

As the Senior Editor of the “Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam in North America,” Dr. Adrian significantly shapes conversations surrounding Islam’s presence on the continent. Her op-eds, featured in the Globe & Mail and the Ottawa Citizen, exemplify her engagement with public discourse.

Beyond her academic pursuits, Dr. Adrian’s advocacy is evident through her investiture into the Order of Ontario in 2019. This prestigious recognition serves as a testament to her unwavering commitment to scholars at risk and breast cancer patients.