Razia Etimadi

Activist Participant

Degrees:PhD, Nutrition and Development

Razia Etemadi is an Afghan nutrition specialist whose work experience is focused on rural population’s health promotion and mother and child malnutrition prevention and treatment. With educational background in Nutrition and work experience with international agencies, she specializes in design and implementation of health promotion and nutrition projects. Her successes in grant securing helped many Afghans in different parts of the country to access health promotion and malnutrition treatment support. While serving her community through official work she was a social activist working on improving awareness of her community members on women’s health rights. She enjoys programs’ interventions which have vivid impact on improving quality of life of people and have potential of changing someone’s life, even in a small way.

August 2021 was the time besides many others Afghans, the life of Razia also changed. After a few months living under white flag she left behind all the results and changes she succeeded to bring into her community and all her prides and hopes once she had. She has a plan to do her PhD in Nutrition and Development with the objective of initiating a scientific work on Afghanistan nutrition situation and being involved in strategy development for its nutritional future.