Sangar Zamila

Activist Participant (UBC)

Zamila Sanger was born in Kabul city and completed her higher education up to a master’s degree in the field of criminal law and criminology. Her educational background and qualifications are as follows:

▪ 2014- 2016 Master of Criminal Law and Criminology from Azad University (Afghanistan
▪ 2007-2008: Judge training program, 24th class, Supreme Court of Afghanistan.
▪ 2002-2005: Bachelor of Islamic Law from Kabul University.

Her work experience are as follows:

▪ 2019 to August 2021: She was appointed as a head of Domestic Violence Against Women
at the Court of Appeal of Parwan Province, Afghanistan. Alongside other Afghan women
judges, she worked to ensure justice and defend women who were victims of violence. The
court handled cases related to honor killings, rape, injuries, domestic violence, insults,
slander, forced marriage, and women’s deprivation of education and inheritance.
▪ 2017 to August 2019: She served as a judge at the Public Security Appeal Court of Kabul
Province. Her jurisdiction covered cases involving transportation and sale of drugs, fraud
and deception, contempt of court, disturbance of public order, bribery, election fraud, and
usurpation of land and property.
▪ 2009 to November 2017: She worked as a judge at the Kabul Primary Criminal Court. Her
jurisdiction encompassed cases such as murder, theft, armed robbery, sexual assault,
usurpation of personal property, breaking and entering property, consumption of
intoxicants, adultery, gambling, animal cruelty, and harming nature.
▪ 2008 to February 2009: She served as a judge at the Traffic Accident Crimes Court in Kabul
city, handling traffic violations and accidents resulting in financial damage, injuries, and

After the regime change in August 2021 in Afghanistan, the recent migration to Canada, she has
been start by research program in the Allard law school in UBC.