Aisha Fofana Ibrahim
Adjunct Professor
Aisha Fofana Ibrahim is an African feminist scholar and gender equality and social inclusion advocate based at the Institute for Gender Research and Documentation (INGRADOC), Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. She is currently the Assistant Deputy Vice Chancellor 2 at Fourah Bay College and involved in a number of gender related research projects that include artisanal mining (SSHRC), access to justice (IDRC), gender based violence and disability (Liliane Fonds).
Dr. Fofana Ibrahim is an active member of the women’s movement in Sierra Leone and a lead gender specialist in the country providing technical support to the state government and national and international non-governmental organizations in the area of women’s empowerment and gender analysis. She seats, as chairperson or member, on several boards in Sierra Leone, including The African Young Voice Media Empire (AYV), Rainbo initiative, Brac Sierra Leone and the Institute for Governance Reform (IGR).