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Friday morning news for November 23, 2018

-Returning last weekend from Lima Peru, where I presented an invited talk at the LAOP 2018 conference (see Nov. 9th post), and attended several interesting presentations by researchers from around the world.  Especially relevant to our projects were talks by Miguel Andrés, from the laboratory for fiber optics at the University of Valencia in Spain, who is using acoustically induced long period gratings to study the properties of fiber cladding (Optics express article) and Camille Sophie Bres from EPFL in Lausanne who is using silicon nitride waveguides to generate second harmonic light (Nature Communications article).

-This week I traveled to Kingston to present a seminar at the Royal Military College, invited by the Physics Department.  The seminar was entitled : “From nano-plasmonics to high velocity impact sensing: new applications of optical fiber sensors.”  I also had the opportunity to visit the photonics labs with my host, Prof. Luc Levesque.