Friday morning news for November 9, 2018
This weekly post will become less formal and more personal…
-Next week, Violeta and I will be in Lima, Peru, for the OSA Latin American Optics and Photonics conference (LAOP 2018), where I will present an invited talk entitled: “Multi-Resonant Optical Fiber Gratings for Hundred-Fold Improvements in Sensing Limits of Detection,” co-authored by Tingting. Violeta will report on “Annealing of Gold Films on TFBGs”.
-I just learned that the Steering committee of the IEEE Journal of Lighwave Technology has approved my nomination (by Peter Winzer, the Editor of the journal) to become an Associate Editor for the next 3 years. I will help the review process for mostly optical fiber and waveguides sensor papers.
-Many new results this week and many papers in preparation by Tingting, Fu, Sondos, Hamed and Hannah… I wish there could me more than 24 hours in a day!