Liam joined CABER in Winter 2021, after completing his Bachelor of Engineering in Sustainable and Renewable Energy with a focus on Efficient Energy Generation and Conversion. He is currently undertaking research supervised by Dr. Cynthia Cruickshank and Dr. Jean Duquette with Natural Resources Canada. This research furthers the integration of Solar Thermal collection and Trans-Critical Carbon Dioxide as the refrigerant within a residential heat pump. The goal is to develop a suitable topology and assess the feasibility of emerging technologies for residential space heating and domestic hot water in Canadian climates.
Liam is primarily interested in building technologies and renewable energies as solutions to the exceptional energy challenges faced by Northern Indigenous communities across Canada. The twin burden of insufficient building stock and inadequate energy infrastructure results in a strong dependence on energy-dense fossil fuels for residential heating. This leads to a growth in emissions per capita. He aims to contribute to the developing knowledge of dependable and economically viable energy infrastructure in Canada.