Solar Decathlon House

Dr. Cruickshank was involved the Solar Decathlon, a collegiate design competition where a compact net zero home was design, constructed, transported, and judged in California. In 2013 Team Ontario placed first in engineering, more details can be found here. The links below provide more information on this project where the construction drawings and competition deliverables can be found at the competition site.

Fuel Cell Research

In September 2009, Dr. Cruickshank was invited to join an existing energy research group conducting a study on Flowing Electrolyte Direct Methanol Fuel Cells (FE-DMFC), with financial support from Ontario Centres of Excellence. Dr. Cruickshank’s involvement with the group has allowed her to broaden her research to include investigations related to the development, instrumentation, and commissioning of a full-scale, modular, fuel cell test apparatus. Dr. Cruickshank’s past work in modelling and testing of energy systems and components provide a mechanism for the design and optimization of FE-DMFC’s.