Campus Services Brings BeaverTails to Campus
In November 2018, Dining Services brought BeaverTails to Carleton in support of Carleton’s United Way campaign. All proceeds generated at the event were donated to the campaign, courtesy of Dining Services and Campus Services.
Dining Services supports the Carleton communities’ fundraising efforts in a variety of ways, and bringing this Canadian staple to campus was a great way to bring a popular dish to campus in support of a worthy cause. BeaverTails were sold in the academic quad, just outside of MacOdrum Library, along with free coffee and hot chocolate (donations were accepted).
In total over 600 BeaverTails were sold, and $700 was raised for the United Way!
To be the first to know about the next time Dining Services bring BeaverTails to campus, be sure to follow Carleton Dining on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook!
Wednesday, April 17, 2019 in Dining, Impact, Show We Care
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