Research Report Released March, 2021:

“Its Got to be about Safety”: Public Services that Work for  LGBTQ2+ Older Adults and LGBTQ2+ Workers in Canada  / “La sécurité doit passer avant tout” pour les services publiques  qui fonctionnent pour les personnes âgées LGBTQ2+ et les travailleuses et travailleurs  LGBTQ2+ en Canada

Click on the links  below to download the report and watch the presentations, in English or French

Report:  Public Services for LGBTQ2+ Older Adults and Workers«

Launch March 11, 2021

Rapport: La sécurité doit passer avant tout »

Lancement 12 mars, 2021

LGBTQ2+ Seniors’ Safety in Public Services’ is a national research study to learn more about public service initiatives in health care, social services and municipal services that are designed to:

  • enhance accessibility, inclusion and equity in service delivery for LGBTQI2S seniors; and/or
  • promote workplace equity, dignity and respect for LGBTQI2S workers.

Little is known about the experiences of LGBTQ2+ seniors using public services, and what we know suggests that LGBTQ2+ seniors do not experience dignity, respect or knowledgeable service delivery.

Given that publicly funded healthcare, social services and municipal services are necessary to all Canadians, and that we rely upon them more heavily in later life, it is important to ensure that services are adequately equipped to serve the diverse and growing populations of seniors in Canadian communities.

LGBTQ2S+ Seniors’ Safety in Public Services’ was developed within the 2018 SSHRC funded partnership, “Age-Friendly Communities -in – Communities: International Promising Practices”. The project is a partnership with Egale and CUPE,  supported by MITACS and associated with the SSHRC Partnership, Age-Friendly Communities-in-Communities: International Promising Practices.

Research Questions

  • What are public services doing to ensure that they provide accessible, inclusive and equitable services to LGBTQI2S seniors?
  • How are these public services supporting the development of LGBTQI2S inclusive workplaces, including for these workers who are aging on the job?

The Research Team


From the Care Work, Aging and Health Lab

Portrait of Susan Braedley

Susan Braedley

Principal Investigator

Portrait of Christine Streeter

Christine Streeter

Research Assistant