We have just launched Pulse & Praxis, your go-to source for interdisciplinary insights into the world of critical infrastructure protection, security, and resilience. Our platform shines a spotlight on the vital interplay between groundbreaking research and real-world applications, underpinning our commitment to innovation and collaboration in safeguarding the essential systems that underlie our society in Canada and around the globe.

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Innovative Solutions at the Forefront of Technology and Cybersecurity: As technology races forward, the security of our critical infrastructures hangs in the balance. Pulse & Praxis leads the charge in unveiling state-of-the-art technologies and cyber-physical security strategies. Dive into our exploration of artificial intelligence and machine learning as pioneering defenders of our digital and physical realms.

Navigating the Landscape of Policy, Governance, and Regulation: The backbone of effective critical infrastructure protection lies in a dynamic policy and regulatory framework. Our journal is at the forefront, dissecting the intricacies of governance models and fostering international cooperation to forge a unified front against emerging threats.

Building Resilience Against Environmental and Societal Challenges: In an era marked by climate change and societal upheaval, resilience is more than a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Pulse & Praxis emphasizes resilient infrastructure capable of withstanding and bouncing back from environmental and societal stresses.

Fostering Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The complexity of protecting critical infrastructures demands a multifaceted approach. Pulse & Praxis celebrates the convergence of disciplines, from engineering to social sciences, highlighting collaborative research that addresses the layered nature of infrastructure protection.

Empowering Through Education and Workforce Development: Preparing the next generation of professionals equipped to tackle the evolving threats to critical infrastructure is a cornerstone of our mission. Discover educational programs, training initiatives, and capacity-building strategies within our pages, designed to hone the expertise of both current professionals and aspiring students.

Learning from the Field: Case Studies and Practical Insights: Real-world experiences offer invaluable insights into the challenges and triumphs of critical infrastructure protection. Our journal serves as a repository of case studies and practical applications, providing a rich source of lessons learned and innovative solutions.

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