Feb. 15-19, 2016, University of the West Indies, Bridgetown, Barbados

This is a practical, skills development-focused, course on how to negotiate international agreements to promote trade and development cooperation in the developing world.   The course is co-delivered by the Shridath Ramphal Centre (SRC) at the University of the West Indies (www.shridathramphalcentre.org/) and the Centre for Trade Policy and Law (CTPL) at Carleton University (www.carleton.ca/ctpl).

The course is designed for postgraduate students with an interest in trade and development issues from a policy perspective.   Participating NPSIA students will take the course with Caribbean graduate students enrolled in the Master’s in International Trade Program (MITP), the internationally-recognized flagship program at the Shridath Ramphal Centre.

Course description

The course teaches the skills that are employed in the negotiation of international trade agreements, with specific reference to dynamics and issues encountered in negotiating Free Trade Agreements. The simulation will expose participants to real-life negotiating situations and the principal issues which would be encountered in international trade negotiations.  Participants will develop further their practical skills in advocacy, problem solving, legal research and analysis, and oral and written communication.

The focus of this year’s course is South-South trade and development cooperation. The course will use the existing Caribbean Community (CARICOM)-Costa Rica Trade Agreement as a basis for the negotiation of a more comprehensive agreement that includes commitments on services, investment, bilateral cooperation (e.g., in innovation policy; and creative industries) and intellectual property rights.

Under the supervision of coaches, participants will plan negotiating mandates and strategies. They will draft negotiating statements and texts to be presented during the negotiation. The outcome or product of the simulation will be a text reflecting the level of agreement reached between the negotiating parties.

Please click here to see the course outline.

 Course prerequisites and preparation

The course does not require prior detailed knowledge of international trade policy. Participants will have access to an online course component that provides the necessary background for full participation in the simulation.

The course instructors will provide practical instruction on negotiating strategies and techniques, and direction on how to formulate and execute strategies to achieve negotiating objectives. These overviews will be followed by presentations by subject matter experts on the negotiating issues to be addressed in the simulation.

Participants will be assigned to one of two teams (CARICOM or Costa Rica) in the simulation. Each will take on the role of subject matter expert, lead negotiator on a particular issue, or Chief Negotiator on each team.

Participants will receive a Certificate of Participation from both UWI and Carleton University.   INAF 5101 students will have the option to be graded on their participation and on an assignment related to the course as partial fulfillment of their INAF 5101 course requirements.


Tuition for the course is US$1,500. Tuition includes all course materials, lunches during the course, local transportation to the course from the hotel, and local logistical support.   We have preferential hotel rates at the Accra Beach Hotel (www.accrabeachhotel.com) for US$195/night, double occupancy, all taxes included and complimentary continental breakfast.

The organizations

Shridath Ramphal Centre, The University of the West Indies

The Shridath Ramphal Centre (SRC) is an internationally-recognized centre of excellence in trade policy and trade law issues from a developing country perspective. Graduates of its Master’s in International Trade Policy (MITP) Program since 2004 can be found in leadership positions in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors across the Caribbean and in international organizations across the globe.   The Centre is named after Sir Shridath Ramphal for his contributions to trade and diplomacy in the region during the early days of independence.

Centre for Trade Policy and Law, Carleton University/University of Ottawa

The Centre for Trade Policy and Law (CTPL) is Canada’s leading comprehensive trade capacity building institution and internationally-recognized for its role in helping governments in all regions of the world in the design, negotiation and implementation of their international trade and development strategies. CTPL combines the practical experience and expertise of former trade negotiators, diplomats and trade policy analysts with policy-oriented academics at its two sponsoring institutions, the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University and the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa.


For more information or for any questions you may have, please contact Phil Rourke at phil.rourke@carleton.ca