Carleton University Retirees Association (CURA)

CURA is an association of retired Carleton faculty, librarians, managers and staff. All Carleton retirees are invited to join and participate in the various activities held throughout the year. The primary purpose of the organization is to maintain social contacts between former colleagues and co-workers.  Other objectives can be summarized as follows:

  1. Maintaining links between retirees and their former employer and facilitating ways in which retirees can play a role in the life of the university
  2. Pursuing benefits for members
  3. Sharing information on issues of particular interest to Carleton retirees, e.g. pensions and benefits, as well as information on broader societal issues that affect older citizens, e.g. healthy aging
  4. Advocacy on issues that are of common interest to our members
  5. Within our limited resources, promoting useful engagement in society by our members

Carleton University Campus Map: Campus Map – Carleton University