Implicit Interactions Analysis Tool
The Implicit Interactions Analysis Tool has been designed and developed to support the “Cybersecurity Assurance for Critical Infrastructure” project in collaboration with the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Critical infrastructure systems including water and wastewater distribution systems, transportation systems, communications networks, manufacturing facilities, and energy systems consist of components linked in complex ways. This can lead to unforeseen interactions among components that may not be expected or intended by the designers and operators of the system. The presence of these implicit interactions in a system can indicate unforeseen flaws that, if not mitigated, could result in the loss of system stability.
The Implicit Interactions Analysis Tool automates the methods and approaches for identifying and analyzing the existence of implicit interactions in system designs and specifications. The tool supports system designers and integrators in identifying and analyzing implicit interactions in critical systems that have been specified using the Communicating Concurrent Kleene Algebra (C2KA) modelling framework. It identifies the set of implicit interactions given the C2KA specification of a system and the specification of the set of intended interactions. It also computes the severity, exploitability, and the set of attack scenarios for the identified set of implicit interactions.
Related Publications
- Jason Jaskolka. Identifying and analyzing implicit interactions in a wastewater dechlorination system. In Sokratis Katsikas et al., editors, Computer Security. CyberICPS 2020, SECPRE 2020, ADIoT 2020, volume 12501 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 34–51, Guildford, UK, 2020. Springer, Cham.
- Jason Jaskolka and John Villasenor. An approach for identifying and analyzing implicit interactions in distributed systems. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 66(2):529-546, June 2017.
- Jason Jaskolka and John Villasenor. Identifying implicit component interactions in distributed cyber-physical systems. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-50, pages 5988–5997, Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI, U.S.A., January 2017.
- Jason Jaskolka. Evaluating the exploitability of implicit interactions in distributed systems. arXiv:2006.06045 [cs.CR], June 2020.
- Jason Jaskolka and Ridha Khedri. A formulation of the potential for communication condition using C2KA. In Adriano Peron and Carla Piazza, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics and Formal Verification, volume 161 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 161-174. Open Publishing Association, Verona, Italy, September 2014.
- Jason Jaskolka, Ridha Khedri, and Qinglei Zhang. Endowing concurrent Kleene algebra with communication actions. In Peter Höfner, Peter Jipsen, Wolfram Kahl, and Martin E. Müller, editors, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science, volume 8428 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 19-36. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Marienstatt, Germany, April 2014.