Photo of Cole Rogerson

Cole Rogerson

M.A.S.c Student

Degrees:B.A.Sc (Carleton)

As I near the completion of my degree in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering at Carleton University, I’ve taken on a role as an undergraduate research assistant with the Carleton Energy and Particle Technology Laboratory for the summer.  Driven by my passion for environmental sustainability, my journey with the EPLT group began during the PMR capstone project. The PMR project focused on experimenting with and prototyping an Iron powder burner as a fossil fuel-free energy source device. After the completion of the project I transitioned from a student in the capstone project to an official member of the EPLT group, I now find myself engaged in designing and setting up the lab for a new apparatus, a continuous Aluminum-CO2 burner and powder delivery system. This position allows me to explore my creativity in seeking solutions tailored to the specific parameters required in the lab setting, where I’m given the opportunity to practice designing and manufacturing customized components in the final design.

When we reach the completion of the apparatus’ design and setup, preliminary testing for the proof of concept of the burner will begin. I’m eagerly anticipating the results and potential applications that will stem from this project by the end of the summer.