Photo of Hashim Mohamed

Hashim A. Hashim Mohamed, Ph.D., P.Eng., SMIEEE

Assistant professor

Degrees: B.Sc. (Mechatronics), M.Sc. (Systems & Control), and Ph.D. (Robotics & Control)
Office:  Mackenzie Engineering, Room 3244
Phone: 613-520-2600 ext. 1224
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Dr. Hashim Mohamed (Hashim A. Hashim) is currently (Jan.2022-Present) an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He is the founder and director of the Robotics, Navigation, and Control Systems Laboratory (RNCSL). Between Aug.2019 and Dec.2021 he was an Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering & Applied Science at Thompson Rivers University (TRU), Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. He received the Ph.D. degree in robotics and control from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Western University (UWO), London, Ontario, Canada, in July 2019. Prior to this he received the M.Sc. degree in Systems and Control Engineering from the Department of Systems Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, and the B.Sc. degree in mechatronics from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Helwan University (HU), Helwan, Egypt. He is a registered Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in the province of Ontario, Canada, and a senior member of IEEE.

Academic Degrees


  • MECH 5804 – Applied Artificial Intelligence (Graduate level)
  • MECH 5906 Directed Study – Optimal Filtering (Graduate level)
  • MECH 5906 Directed Study – Vision-based Perception Robotics (Graduate level)
  • AERO 4504 – Avionics Systems
  • MAAE 3500 – Feedback Control Systems

Research Interests

The ultimate goal of my research is to develop novel technologies related to: Perception and Navigation, Control, and Trajectory Planning. I aspire to discover new ways to improve the performance of dynamical systems, in particular smart systems which include semi-automated and fully autonomous systems, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs/drones), autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), mobile robots, satellites, and other robotics applications. My research interests include but are not limited to

  • Guidance, Perception & Navigation, and Control.
  • Full autonomy and semi-autonomous systems
  • Vision-aided inertial navigation systems for UAVs/drones and ground/mobile robots,
  • Robot localization and mapping with inertial units,
  • Filtering and estimation techniques: stochastic and deterministic,
  • Sensor fusion,
  • Relative localization and collaborative/distributed control of multi-agent systems,
  • Artificial intelligence: Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Transfer Learning,
  • Artificial intelligence: Neural Adaptive Techniques and Reinforcement Learning,
  • Artificial intelligence: Optimization techniques and metaheuristic algorithms (single and multi objective)


Let us connect 🙂! Here are my research, professional, social, and media accounts:



