CultureHub is very excited to be collaborating with the Department of French and the Centre for Transnational Cultural Analysis to present Two Views on the Postcolonial, a series of workshops and a keynote lecture by renowned postcolonial scholars Françoise Lionnet and Shu-mei Shih from University of California at Los Angeles.

Keynote lectures will be held on Wednesday, October 15 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm at the Carleton University Art Gallery. In addition, there will be two on-campus workshops (one on world studies, the other on collaboration in the Humanities), and a special seminar in the Department of French (on Francophone Caribbean Literature).

Please note that registration is required for the workshop World Studies? An Interdisciplinary Workshop in Art History, Film, Music, Literature and Beyond and for the seminar in the Department of French. Email for details.

For more information, see here.