Curatorial Studies seminar students invite all to visit a captivating exhibition, Anne Meredith Barry: Force of Nature, presented on the main floor of MacOdrum Library (the large wall nearest the big windows, to the left of the main doors) from April 11 to May 30, 2023. 

The exhibition features selected prints by the renowned Newfoundland-based artist Anne Meredith Barry. The work showcases her at once bold, whimsical, and immersive style of depicting Newfoundland’s unique landscapes. The prints are selected from Carleton University Art Gallery collection and are being exhibited for the first time since they were donated to CUAG in 1998. 

Force of Nature is curated by students of the winter 2023 Curatorial Studies 5001 seminar, Danni Hurley, Michelle Liteplo and Aliisa Qureshi, taught by Dr. Stephen Inglis. It invites reflections on our relationships to nature and the land through exploration of nature’s dualities of strength and fragility, harmony and conflict, and more.