Intelligent Agents Roster

Intelligent Agents (IA’s) have many potential uses in your courses. These uses fall into two broad categories: Query Agents and Communication Agents. Below you will find lists of Intelligent Agents you can leverage and potential use cases for these agents. Remember that these Agents are just examples of IA capabilities, and that there are many other possible use cases for Intelligent Agents. For more help using Intelligent Agents please reach out via the TLS Support portal.

Are you already using Intelligent Agents in your course? Do you have a use case for Intelligent Agents not listed in this roster? If you are interested in sharing, reach out to TLS to have your Intelligent Agent uses listed in the roster.

Query Agents

Query Agents can help you understand your student behaviour, and plan interventions when needed.

Agent Example Use Cases
Access Checker Have not yet unlocked the course. Students need to complete the Intro Quiz with 100% accuracy. This IA returns a list of students who have not yet received such a grade, which indicates they don’t have access to the course content.
Non-Attempters This Agent will run when a learner doesn’t complete 1 attempt on the Survey.
Bad Starts Weak Grade on Assignment 1, or an alternative activity early in the term.
No work submitted yet Find students who have not submitted any work by a specific date.
Accessed the support hub Module This Agent will compile a list of students who used the support hub Module.

Communication Agents

Communication Agents can help you automate communication with students. You can leverage these agents to provide positive feedback, remind students of deadlines, and as general outreach for students who may be at risk.

Agent Example Use Cases
Are you able to access Course on BrightSpace? Email students to see if they need help accessing Brightspace, since they have not done so yet.
Ghosts Finds all students who have not yet started the course. Email is sent to students once the Intelligent Agent is run.
Orientation Guidance Finds and emails students who have not completed an orientation module in your course.
Deadline Approaching Email students who have not yet submitted their assignment that is due in 24 hours.
Have not graded themselves Emails students who have submitted their assignment but have not graded themselves.

Additional Resources