Please see the note below from our Polyglot group organizer:

Hello everyone !

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and a good first week back!  I’m writing to you guys as we are currently at 9 people, and we are close to the minimum guidelines to be a club. For those new that filled out the form after the holidays, let me give you a little info about the idea of the club. Our goal with this club is to help people make friends, whether they are learning languages on campus or through self-study and to grow and learn new languages and cultures and talk about skills and techniques and overall have fun with games and events. We also welcome those who are simply interested in different cultures.

If you guys have any suggestions or ideas how to grow the club or ideas for meeting feel free to email me here, I will try to respond as fast as possible, you can also talk to mike (however I’m not sure how exactly he can answer) but he will be around in the club. I am sending a google form again to decide times for the meetings to occur that is best for everyone.

Kind regards,
