We are looking forward to welcoming you at Carleton! Our conference will be taking place in the beautiful Richcraft Hall, which is situated at the end of Campus Avenue along the Rideau River.

We expect most participants to take public transportation to campus. Unfortunately, the “O-Train” is still not running, but you can access Carleton from downtown via buses 7, 10 and 111. Please check your journey here. The bus stop CARLETON U (A) is closest to Richcraft Hall (less than 5 minutes by foot along “Campus Avenue”).

Carleton is well connected to the city via bike paths. A new pedestrian bridge over the Rideau River has recently opened and it is adjacent to our conference building, Richcraft Hall.

If you are driving, the closest parking lot to Richcraft Hall is P2 (less than 5 minutes by foot). However, parking in that lot is limited to 4 hours per day. Please check all campus parking rates and regulations here.

There is considerable construction taking place on campus this summer. While this does not affect access to Richcraft Hall, it can make navigating campus somewhat complex. There is ample signage on campus and there will be additional signage specific to the conference, leading from the bus stop (CARLETON U (A)) to Richcraft Hall. Don’t hesitate to ask for help! Conference volunteers will be circulating.

There are many water fountains and bottle refill stations on campus. Don’t forget to bring a reusable water bottle!