Welcome to our Research Group!
Based in Canada’s capital, Ottawa, the MARS targets focused applications in the area of smart Antennas and Metamaterials, and is committed to finding novel engineering solutions to some of the most challenging problems in implementing tomorrow’s radio systems. and concepts in close collaboration with Prof. Tom Smy.
Funded by Department of National Defense (DND) under the IDEaS program.
The group is based in the Department of Electronics (DoE) and specializes in wide range of topics in the area of microwave engineering, metamaterials, metasurfaces, signal processing and wide-band antennas. It has strong emphasis on inter-disciplinary research ranging from microwaves to optics, and with a particular emphasis on millimeter (mmWave) devices and systems.
The group further specializes in Computational Electromagnetics focussed on novel and cutting edge problems in modeling electromagnetic metasurfaces. The group devises novel simulations methods and techniques for modeling electromagnetics metamaterials with greater emphasis on fundamental EM principles. Several of the projects are in collaboration with private industry partners, federal research labs and our international collaborators, providing a right mix of financial sustainability, research impact and creative freedom.
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The key areas of research include:
Electromagnetic Metamaterials, Antennas, Computational Electromagnetics, Analytical Modelling, Leaky-Wave Structures & Broadband Antennas

Research Group, Summer 2022