The Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior has released a timely publication on the future of Afghanistan, a nation that has been gripped by war and a continual flow of refugees seeking asylum all over the globe.

Metropolis is pleased to note that editors of this volume include Peter Webinger, one of Metropolis’ Expert Advisors supporting the Metropolis Professional Development programme.

Four substantive sections of the book examine the outlook on security and recent political developments; economic outlooks and possible international implications moving forward; the challenges and opportunities that women will continue to face while seeking basic human rights and gender equity;  and of particular interest is the chapter on migration by Martin Hofman & David Reichel. Hofman and Reichel provide a comprehensive statistical analysis of migration flows from Afghanistan to Europe from 2002 to 2012. The available data is drawn on to describe patterns of Afghan migration to the EU, characterized as ‘flight migration’, and concludes that European countries should be prepared for this pattern to continue, including a prediction for flows of migration to include more unaccompanied minors and family reunification.

Free copies of the book can be ordered by emailing your request to:

The electronic version of the book can be downloaded here.