With global demographics unequivocally pointing towards a future where we have more, not less, international migration, the need for experience and expertise on migration and integration will only grow. Global demographic and economic trends will have inexorable effects on international migration with shifts in countries of origin and destination, with integration patterns moving from those associated with permanent stays to those characterized by transnational activities, and with a growing international competition for skilled immigrants challenging both the traditional countries of immigration and countries that are new to immigration and integration.

Metropolis Professional Development offers exclusive training sessions with a strong focus on offering practical tips to better manage migration and integration. MPD’s added value resides on the longstanding expertise and reputation of the International Metropolis Project, the thorough work of its Experts Advisory Committee, and the excellence of its team of speakers and facilitators. MPD trainings are:

  • A unique opportunity to learn about the latest trends in international migration.
  • A tool to learn about new policy instruments and best practices.An exclusive chance to meet and exchange with worldwide renowned scholars and senior government officials and policy makers.
  • A platform to expand your professional network.
  • An investment in your organization as you achieve better professional outcomes and increase your productivity and that of your employees.
  • An investment in developing your career prospects.